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Meltdown & Spectre

As you have all heard, the Meldown & Spectre security vulnerabilities apply in some fashion to pretty much every computing device out there.  This is a new paradigm of security issue, in that is’s a compromise of the fundamental hardware vs software that runs on it.  But the issue can be mitigated by software. The…

Infinetix SmartMesh IP™ Services

Infinetix provides a broad range of services associated with the Linear Technology Dust Networks® SmartMesh IP™ technology.   Introduction The SmartMesh® technology is a robust wireless sensor network methodology that is especially well suited to commercial and industrial applications in the emerging internet of things (IoT) marketplace. A SmartMesh® network consists of a self-forming, multi-hop mesh of sensor nodes…

SmartMesh IP Cape Device Tree

Infinetix has designed a SmartMesh IP™ Gateway system utilizing a BeagleBone Black (BBB) single board computer and a custom designed add-on board (known as a cape in BeagleBone nomenclature) built around the Linear Technology’s SmartMesh IP™ technology In the BeagleBone Black ecosystem, each cape needs a means to determine pin definition and usage. This is…