Burke Norton

Burke has over thirty-five years of experience designing firmware for embedded systems and software applications. Since joining Infinetix in 2001, his work has focused on embedded firmware for radio communications, interprocessor communications, peripheral device interfaces, medical devices, GPS interfaces and remote diagnostics in a variety of multi-threaded, real-time environments. He has an extensive background in project management and in leading distributed, multi-disciplinary teams. He is experienced with C/C++/C# and has developed programs for multiple RTOSs, Linux and Windows. Burke is the Vice President at Infinetix and a shareholder in the company. Prior to this, he spent seven years as an owner of Fifth Element Software where he developed products for the health care industry.
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Minds-i Education

Minds-i creates robotic education kits and curriculums for primary and secondary STEM education. They can be used for classroom laboratories, hobbyist clubs and robotic competitions. Kits are available from general robotics to autonomous drones and rovers.