
SmartMesh IP Cape Device Tree

Infinetix has designed a SmartMesh IP™ Gateway system utilizing a BeagleBone Black (BBB) single board computer and a custom designed add-on board (known as a cape in BeagleBone nomenclature) built around the Linear Technology’s SmartMesh IP™ technology In the BeagleBone Black ecosystem, each cape needs a means to determine pin definition and usage. This is…

Thoughts on IDTechEx:

I had the wonderful opportunity to attend IDTechEx in Santa Clara CA, November 18-21, 2014, and explore the tradeshow. This was an interesting event, in that it encompassed several different technology groups, The Internet of Things (IoT), Energy Harvesting & Storage, 3D Printing, Wearable Technology, Supercapacitors, Printed Electronics and Emerging Materials. As an engineer, I…

OpenSSL HeartBleed Bug Status

Network security is important to INFINETIX.  The OpenSSL HeartBleed bug is actively being exploited and is getting significant press in the news. INFINETIX is using SSH as our primary access from the outside world to our customers’ services and Intellectual Property (e.g. Subversion code repositories, Bugzilla and other internal web services).   SSH uses the OpenSSL…

20 Years and going strong

I can’t believe Infinetix has been in business for 20 years. It seems like just yesterday that Leon and I founded the company, saying “If it doesn’t work out, we can get real jobs!” During the last 20 years, Infinetix has provided hardware and software design help to more than 100 different companies while growing…