
32 bit tools in a 64 bit world

Getting Aldec’s Riviera-Pro LV to run on Ubuntu 18.04 In FPGA/ASIC Development, most of our tools are driven by performance, and many of them run on Linux. However, they tend to be a bit behind the times on what specific version of Linux they support. And although most tools have now migrated to 64 bit,…

SiTime: Custom frequencies in Minutes Vs Weeks

In the world of rapid development one area that is difficult to speed up is the area of custom crystals and oscillators. Historically the lead times on these have been between 8 and 16 weeks, even for samples.  Chrystals based oscillators just take a long time to grind down and tune. That reality of engineering…

Meltdown & Spectre

As you have all heard, the Meldown & Spectre security vulnerabilities apply in some fashion to pretty much every computing device out there.  This is a new paradigm of security issue, in that is’s a compromise of the fundamental hardware vs software that runs on it.  But the issue can be mitigated by software. The…